
Contact us for an introduction.

Urban Equation was founded in 2008 by Windmill Development to share Windmill’s knowledge and experience in sustainable development. Urban Equation’s first project, initiated over 20 years ago, Dockside Green in British Columbia, set an international benchmark and proved that development did not have to come at the expense of the environment or economics. Since then, Urban Equation has been developing sustainability frameworks for large mixed-use development projects and ESG strategies for real estate companies by staying on top of changes to building codes, standards, and certifications. Urban Equation’s unique understanding of the complexities of development and designing sustainable communities provides clients with a level of knowledge unparalleled in the marketplace.

Inveniam – Trusted data is central to digital asset evolution. Inveniam helps asset owners and managers prepare private market assets for this digital evolution through products and solutions that deliver a seamless workflow for data-rich, low frequency trading private market assets. Our data and workflow tools preserve the private market asset integrity by establishing provenance of underlying data. Trusted data creates efficiencies and expands market participation while reducing discount on assets created by opaque or imperfect data.