MSCI Real Estate Market Size

MSCI Real Assets has published its July 2023 “MSCI Real Estate Market Size” report on the size and geography of professionally managed global real estate. Highlights include:

The total real estate investable market is estimated at USD 19.5 trillion of which USD 13.3 trillion is professionally managed.

The size of the professionally managed global real estate investment market declined to USD
13.3 trillion in 2022 from USD 13.9 trillion in 2021, primarily driven by macroeconomic factors such as rising inflation and increasing interest rates.

On the back of a strong dollar and a slowdown in other markets, especially Europe, the weight of the U.S. in the global market size continued to grow, reaching 40.3% in 2022.

The top five markets constituted 66.9% of the global market size, up from 65.6% in 2021.
Japan overtook the UK to become the third-largest market while China placed second and Germany fifth.

A copy of the report can be downloaded at MSCI Real Estate Market Size.

Posted in Real Estate, Real Estate Market.